Integration and Separation in Scottish Theatre – we need to get collectively organised to be individually effective.
I am one of the lucky ones. At the end of March I was writing for/working with The Lyceum, Perth Rep, the Citz, the National Theatre of Scotland and Raw Material Arts on four different projects that ALL connect to each other. I have also worked with Dundee Rep, the Traverse, the Playwrights’ Studio and Oran Mor in the last 12 months. So I have an immediate and ongoing connection with them all, but then so does almost everyone I know who works as a freelancer…actors, musicians, directors, designers...Again, like all of them, I know absolutely nothing about what comes next in the industry I work in even now, and have done for thirty six years. So while I feel very much involved with what happens to any and each of them, while they constitute a unity in my working life, there is, as far as I know, as yet no common plan for performing arts in Scotland to get through the consequences of the pandemic, let alone emerge healthily on the other side. I know that the ...